Finger & Slanina, LLC respects your privacy. We want you to feel comfortable viewing our website.

Please note that when you review our website, you remain personally anonymous, although our web host does record the domain name of the server from which you access our site. Please note that if you contact us from our site using our email program, your identity will be revealed to us.

The host of our web site may use “cookies.” Cookies are small text files that are placed on a visitor’s computer hard drive that enable the host of our site to record how many times a user or computers within a user’s network of computers has visited our site, the number of times various pages of our site have been accessed and to track the user’s home page customization preferences. You may disable receipt of cookies using features of your web browser that disable or turn off cookies. We do not use cookies to retrieve information that is unrelated to your visit to or your interaction with our site.